New year, new goals. A good time to reflect on what we’ve been doing, where we want to be and what we want to accomplish.

Some work goals for the new year:

Design on a budget

Good design takes time. With research, wireframing, reviews, comps, more reviews, the hours can grow to be substantial. Sometimes budgets don’t allow for so much design time, focusing more hours to development or other areas. I want to improve my ability to make great looking and functioning websites, with thoughtful UX on a limited design budget. Thinking outside of the normal workflow and looking at a more component based system.


This has been a goal of mine for the past few years to make every site be accessible to as many people as possible. This can take many different forms but to me it boils down to caring for individuals as well as the majority. In the past deadlines or budgets may have superseded but I am committing to make sure everything we launch this year is where it needs to be. It’s a continual learning curve for me and it’s important that we deliver.


This is the one with the most question marks above it for me, I’ve tried in the past to blog and keep it up-to-date but within a month or so it’s almost always deserted. I’m planning on writing a few times a month, about design, web development and our life. I want to have the ability to share my thoughts in this format and improve my writing with it. Fingers crossed.

Attend Meetups

I used to regularly attend web and tech meetups in Fort Collins and I got a lot out of them but over the past 2 years I can count the times I’ve been on one hand. Getting myself out the door and to attend is something I’m going to do this year.

Outside of work goals

  • Run the Quad Rock 25.
  • Read 40 books.
  • Spend more time outdoors with my family.
  • Try Yoga.

Here’s to a good 2019. Here’s to a good 2019.